How to Validate the Authenticity of Your AUDD

Avoiding Counterfeit Tokens


Last Update 7 bulan yang lalu

In the era of blockchain technology, the digital asset landscape is thriving with a myriad of cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, meme coins, and NFTs. The ability for virtually anyone to issue tokens has opened a world of opportunities, driving innovation and expanding the use cases for blockchain. However, this freedom also comes with risks, including the potential for counterfeit tokens. Here's how you can ensure the AUDD tokens you hold are genuine.

Understanding Counterfeit Tokens

Counterfeiting in the digital token space involves bad actors issuing tokens that mimic genuine ones, with no real affiliation to the original issuer. These counterfeit tokens can be misleadingly linked back to official sites and social media pages, making it challenging for holders to distinguish between real and fake assets.

Identifying Real AUDD

The unique nature of blockchain technology allows for the verification of real assets. Each token is issued from a unique source known as a "Contract Address" or an "Issuing address." AUDD, for instance, has specific issuing and contract addresses from which authentic AUDD tokens are distributed. You can verify these addresses through the following links:



AUDD on Ethereum: 0x4cce605ed955295432958d8951d0b176c10720d5

Verifying Your AUDD

To validate your AUDD holdings, look up your wallet on the relevant blockchain explorer and navigate to the AUDD token link. This should direct you to an information page detailing the token, including its contract or issuing address. If this address matches one of the official addresses listed above, your AUDD is genuine.

Manual Verification in Your Wallet

Another method to confirm the authenticity of your AUDD is by manually adding it to your wallet (e.g., Metamask, Lobstr, Sologenic) using one of the official addresses compatible with the respective blockchain. If your wallet displays an AUDD balance after importing, your tokens are authentic. A zero balance or a different AUDD balance indicates counterfeit tokens.

Handling Counterfeit AUDD

If you discover you've acquired counterfeit AUDD, please note that AUDD Digital cannot accept or redeem these tokens, as they are not backed by our reserves. Follow these steps if you find yourself in this situation:

  • Report the Counterfeit: Contact our support team at [email protected] with details of how you acquired the token, the discovery method, and any other relevant information.
  • Report to Authorities: If you've lost money due to counterfeit AUDD, report it to
  • Destroy the Fake Tokens: Prevent further scams by sending the counterfeit AUDD back to its issuing or contract address, effectively removing it from circulation.

The freedom and innovation offered by blockchain technology come with the responsibility of due diligence. By following these steps, you can ensure the AUDD you hold is genuine and secure your investment against counterfeit risks.

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