How do I verify my identity?

ID verification on AUDD Digital


Last Update sebulan yang lalu

As part of our ongoing AML/CTF obligations, AUDD Digital is required by law to verify users who want to deposit or withdraw Australian Dollars from their account. Verifying your personal identity is required regardless of whether you have selected to register as an individual or a business. To learn more about additional business verification requirements, visit our article here.

Depending on the account tier you would like to access, the information and supporting evidence you need to provide will vary. In some cases, reaching a Tier 3 status (Starter account) may be enough; however, to gain Tier 4, or 5 (Standard, Pro) will require some additional evidence. The requirements below have been sorted by the relevant tiers. For more information about account tiers, visit the account tiers article here.

Accessing the onboarding portal

To verify your identity, you will need to submit the required information via our onboarding portal on your AUDD Digital account. You can access the onboarding portal by clicking the 'start onboarding' action card on your account dashboard

Tier 3 (Starter Account) verification requirements

Personal details

The personal details screen will already contain your First and Last name from when you registered your account. This information should match the First and Last name present on your ID. If it does not match, please amend your details accordingly.

Your Birth date will be your date of birth.

By default, nationality will be set to Australia, this cannot be changed (for clarity, 'nationality' in this case used to define your citizenship or residency status; not where you were born).

Your ID number is the identification number given on the document you will be verifying yourself with (such as a drivers license, passport, or proof of age card).

Your Card or document number is the second identifier provided on some IDs (such as the card number on a drivers license).

Mobile number

To verify your mobile number, enter your number - being mindful of the international calling code - and click next.

When you receive the verification code, enter this into the OTP field and click the 'next' button. You will be notified onscreen if the verification was successful.

If you do not receive your code, or, you waited more than 15 minutes to enter your code, you can click the 'resend' link to receive a new code.

If you selected to receive your multi-factor authentication codes via sms during the registration process, you do not need to verify your mobile again!

Address Verification

You will need to provide your current residential address. To do this, enter your address in the relevant fields below. If everything is correct, click next.

The next section will ask you to provide documentation proving your residential address. This is optional to provide at this stage. To learn about proof of address, see the Tier 5 (Pro Account) verification requirements.

Tier 4 (Standard Account) verification requirements

Identity verification document

To complete your Tier 3 verification, you will need to provide a form of photo ID. Such forms of ID can include:

  • Drivers License
  • Passport
  • Proof of Age card

The ID you provide must be issued by an official Australian Government source. Expired ID cannot be accepted. If you do not have an Australian issued ID (for instance, you are staying in Australia on a work or student visa), then the passport from your country of origin is acceptable.

You will need to include the the issue date and/or the expiry date of your ID, using the date picker in the respective fields.

When providing your ID, you will need to submit two photos:

  1. A photo of your ID next to your face (Selfie with your ID)
  2. A photo of your ID next to your computer or laptop screen with the 'Personal details' page open.

Your photos should be clear and of sufficient quality - we will not accept photos that are blurry, deliberately censored, or utilise a filter to distort your face or screen. Examples of how your photos should look have been provided below:

When you have taken your photos, upload them to the corresponding file submission section. Once your photos have been recognised, click the 'next' button to submit.

Tier 5 (Pro Account) verification requirements

Address verification document

The additional verification requirement to validate your residential address can be found by returning to the 'Address Verification' tab of your onboarding screen. From the list, select the document type you would like to use to verify with. It is important that you provide a document recently issued to you - no more than 3 months ago.

Upload your document in the space provided, ensuring it is not greater than 5mb. When you have successfully attached the document, click the 'next' button to save your progress.

Proof of income

Because Tier 5 allows you to transact in larger volumes, you will need to provide proof of the validity of your funds. This can be validated in a variety of ways depending on your circumstances. Once you've decided on the documentation that best demonstrates your situation, select it from the list and upload it in the section provided. The document should not be greater than 5mb. When you have successfully attached the document, click the 'next' button to save your progress.

It is critical that you provide a document that was recently issued to you; while some scenarios may not be able to accommodate more recent documents, it is recommended to provide a document that is no older than 6 months.

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